I Want to Die but I Want to Eat Tteokbokki : The cult hit that everyone is talking about
I Want to Die but I Want to Eat Tteokbokki : The cult hit that everyone is talking about SAS Gardners EU
** PRE-ORDER THE SEQUEL I WANT TO DIE BUT I STILL WANT TO EAT TTEOKBOKKI NOW **THE PHENOMENAL INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLER | TRANSLATED BY INTERNATIONAL BOOKER SHORTLISTEE ANTON HUR’Will strike a chord with anyone who feels that their public life is at odds with how they really feel inside.’ RedPSYCHIATRIST: So how can I help you? ME: I don’t know, I’m – what’s the word – depressed? Do I have to go into detail? Baek Sehee is a successful young social media director at a publishing house when she begins seeing a psychiatrist about her – what to call it? – depression? She feels persistently low, anxious, endlessly self-doubting, but also highly judgemental of others. She hides her feelings well at work and with friends; adept at performing the calmness, even ease, her lifestyle demands. The effort is exhausting, overwhelming, and keeps her from forming deep relationships. This can’t be normal. But if she’s so hopeless, why can she always summon a desire for her favourite street food, the hot, spicy rice cake, tteokbokki? Is this just what life is like? Recording her conversations with her psychiatrist over 12 weeks, Baek begins to disentangle the feedback loops, knee-jerk reactions and harmful behaviours that keep her locked in a cycle of self-abuse. Part memoir, part self-help book, I Want to Die but I Want to Eat Tteokbokki is a book to keep close and to reach for in times of darkness. I Want to Die but I Want to Eat Tteokbokki comes in three different colours; the colour you receive will be chosen at rando
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Actualizat la: 04.01.2025
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