Stuff Your Astrologer Should Have Told You : The Brutally Honest Truth Behind the Bad Traits of Each Star Sign

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Stuff Your Astrologer Should Have Told You : The Brutally Honest Truth Behind the Bad Traits of Each Star Sign SAS Gardners EU

If you’re sick of hearing platitudes about your star sign’s best attributes, or all the ways your doomed Leo Taurus relationship can actually work, this book is for you!Explore the dark side of each sign, delving deep into pet peeves, negative traits, and the types of people you should avoid (and be avoided by) at all costs. What are people saying behind your back? Which friend is most likely to bring out your worst? Should you even bother swiping right on a Scorpio? Stuff Your Astrologer Should Have Told You has the answers, and it’s not sugar coating anything. Most astrology books will tell you all about the best parts of your sign—its strengths, what it likes, and who it is most compatible with. This book is the opposite—it takes a look at each sign’s dark side, so readers know what to expect when doing business with a Scorpio or falling in love with a Capricorn. While most astrology books tend to put a positive spin on the signs and their traits, Alise Morales is not afraid to say how the stars interact with—and sometimes screw over—each other on a daily basis. We all have pet peeves. We all know there are some people we’re just not compatible with. This is the book that will tell you why and teach you about your star sign and astrology in the process. Irreverent and witty, Stuff Your Astrologer Should have Told You is a breath of fresh air, filled with pithy asides, searing observations and good old fashioned bluntness. It’s the perfect guide to astrology for realists who know that looking to the heavens for guidance is just as likely to show you the rough as it is the smooth. Laugh out loud funny, author Alise Morales doesn’t shy away from poking fun at each signs worst character traits, while sharing everything you need to know about the darker side of your sign. Forewarned is forearmed, after all

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Actualizat la: 04.01.2025

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