The Company of the Wolf : Book 2

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The Company of the Wolf : Book 2 SAS Gardners EU

Full of David Wragg’s unique blend of humour, heart, and high stakes, The Company of the Wolf is the epic next instalment in the Tales of the Plains trilogy. Seeking a better life, Ree and Javani have travelled west into the mountains, and left their pasts – and their troubles – behind. But new places bring new problems, and when they stumble across a lone traveller under bandit attack, they make the mistake of lending a hand. Forced to take refuge in the traveller’s village, they quickly find allies among the lush, wooded hills. But then the true nature of the bandits is revealed. With winter approaching and a vengeful company of mercenaries circling like wolves, Ree and Javani must uncover the secrets of this peaceful valley … or risk the ruin of it all. Gritty, sharp, and yet criminally funny! Sunyi Dean, Sunday Times bestselling author of The Book Eaters Wragg’s brand of fantasy deserves its own name: grassroots fantasy. Small in scale, large in heart, with underdog heroes you can’t help but root for. Amber A. Logan, author of The Secret Garden of Yanagi Inn A tale full of heart: heart warming, wrenching and stopping in equal measure. I love Wragg’s wild, western-inspired world and its rabble of humorously and sensitively crafted characters, the kind that keep you company long after reading. Cari Thomas, Sunday Times bestselling author of Threadneedle A story about growing up, growing old, dreams, betrayal, greed and consequences, all wrapped up in a neat package of action and tied off with a perky bow of banter. I enjoyed hating the villain almost as much as I enjoyed rooting for Ree and Javani. Peter Newman, Gemmell Award-winning author of The Vagrant and The Deathles

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Actualizat la: 04.01.2025

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