Two Twisted Crowns : the instant NEW YORK TIMES and USA TODAY bestseller

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Two Twisted Crowns : the instant NEW YORK TIMES and USA TODAY bestseller SAS Gardners EU

‘Enthralling from beginning to shocking end’ Hannah Whitten, bestselling author of For the Wolf**THE INSTANT NEW YORK TIMES AND USA TODAY BESTSELLER**In the luscious, dark conclusion to the series that began with One Dark Window, Elspeth must face the consequences of what she’s wrought – perfect for readers of Hannah Whitten’s For the Wolf and A Court of Thorns and Roses. Elspeth and Ravyn have gathered most of the twelve Providence Cards, but the last, and most important one remains to be found: The Twin Alders. If they are going to find it before the Solstice and cure the kingdom of the dark magic infecting it, they will need to journey beyond the dangerous mist-cloaked forest that surrounds their kingdom. And the only one who can lead them there is the monster that shares Elspeth’s head. The Nightmare. And he’s not eager to share any longer. Praise for One Dark Window:’An enchanting tale with sharp claws and teeth – Gillig’s prose will pull you in and won’t let you sleep. Pulse-pounding, darkly whimsical and aglow with treacherous magic, One Dark Window is everything I love in fantasy and more’ Allison Saft, author of A Far Wilder Magic’A beautifully dark fairy tale of blood, rage and bitter choice, that whisked me away to mist-wreathed woods ripe with romance and menace’ Davinia Evans, author of Notorious Sorcerer’An evocative tale of romance, mystery and alluring monsters, told in beautifully lush prose’ Lyndall Clipstone, author of Lakesedge’Steeped in brooding romance, twisted magic and nail-biting intrigue, One Dark Window snares readers in its deliciously dark spell and leaves them desperate for more. I couldn’t put it down’ Kat Delacorte, author of With Fire in their Blood ‘The steamy romance that emerges between Elspeth and Ravyn delights’ Publishers WeeklyTwo Twisted Crowns was a New York Times and USA Today bestseller on week of publication in the US

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Actualizat la: 04.01.2025

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Produse asemanatoare Two Twisted Crowns : the instant NEW YORK TIMES and USA TODAY bestseller

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